The Day-Light Group is an artist led community organisation that is based in the heritage rich, historic mining village of St Day.
Creativity, community and heritage are at the heart of all the work we create.
The Group is led by resident artist Clare Summerson who, along with local artist Kim Pilgrim, set up Day-Light in 2010 as a result of a year long Feast funded project.
The group is made up of a wide cross-section of local residents who come together informally, fuelled by delicious home-made cake, and plan, organise, fundraise and achieve innovative and exciting high quality celebratory events.
With the full support of the Parish Council and the community of St Day we have managed to light up the cold dark winter months by having creative making sessions led by experienced artists, leading to celebratory events that fill the streets and buildings with music, dance, performance, colour and light.
Previous projects have taken inspiration from iconic locations including the Old Church, Clock Tower and War Memorial, Gwennap Pit, Carn Marth, and St Rumon's Garden (Redruth). As well as offering exciting creative activities and fantastic celebrations, our projects are often part of the restoration and preservation of important buildings and history.
We have an open membership and have no criteria for joining, so if you feel that you would like to get involved in any of our up and coming projects or would like us to run an event in your community please Contact Us through this site, you will be made to feel very welcome.

Clare Summerson receives a Cornwall Civic Award 'in recognition of
their outstanding contribution to community life in Cornwall'. May 2019