
Centenary crossed-stitch banner in memory of the 40 soldiers who lost their lives in the First World War and who are named on the St. Day War Memorial.
The Day-Light Group provided a pack of materials, Lesley Trotter’s Beyond the Names booklet and one of the names from the booklet to stitch.
It resulted in a beautiful banner made with love and knowledge; each person stitching had a greater connection with the soldier they were representing.
Cross-stitch was a form of therapy offered to convalescing soldiers at the time.
The banner now hangs in St. Day Holy Trinity Church.

Four elements, four locations, four communities and a host of artists combine to create a unique and spectacular Festival of Lights in Cornwall.
St Rumons Gardens - Redruth 25th Nov 2017
Gwennap Pit - 27th Jan 2018
Carn Marth - 24th Feb 2018
St. Day - Grand Finale 24th March 2018
The Day-Light Group presented four spectacular light events in four amazing locations, taking the four elements as its theme: each location was linked to either Fire, Earth, Water or Air.
Each event incorporated light sculpture, projections, music and dance, and shone a myriad of colour and light on each iconic location.
Our aim was to highlight their cultural significance and bring them to life during the dark winter months.
This was a community project, involving a series of free local workshops.
These included creating beautiful illuminated flowers by recycling plastic bottles, creating rotating coloured lanterns and making illuminated kites.

In partnership with the Parish Council the third event commemorating the completion of the restoration work of St Day Clock Tower took place on May 8th: VE Day.
This event took the form of a street party or village market, with Art, Craft and Food Stalls, live performances and a cake competition.
Alongside the event we ran workshops where anyone who lives or works in St Day could sign and decorate a tile.
These now line the inside of the Clock Tower, as a lasting reminder of the people who lived and worked here at the time the restoration was completed.

In partnership with the Parish Council we created an event to celebrate the restoration of the village Clock Tower, an iconic building at the heart of the community. The Clock Tower has been the centre of village life for hundreds of years.
This was the second in a series of three community events, the third commemorating the completion of the restoration work.
Building on all our previous work we commissioned Holly Summerson and Jasmine Cole to run community workshops and create animations that were projected onto the tower.
Emma Mansfield and John Cleave (Fishermens Friends) led a newly formed community choir, and we commissioned The 3 Daft Monkeys to create 'The St. Day Clock Tower Song' which they performed with the choir at the celebration.

This event celebrated the start of restoration work on St Day's historic Clock Tower, and the accompanyting 'Around the Clock' community art project.
We ran workshops to create Clock Tower related lanterns, and for the first time had a second lantern parade in the same year. Haylestorm Samba joined the parade and cake was enjoyed after at the Church Hall.

Building on the animation and projection work of the previous year, 2014 saw the use of UV paint and black lights to add a magical invisible colour to our lanterns.
We explored the journey of Saint Day from Brittany to Cornwall with lanterns made by the community. The UV paint created an effect of stained glass and was revealed using blacklight in front of the Old Church after the parade.
Artist Jonathan Hayter worked with St Day and Carharrack School to create a beautiful projection, which was shown at the Old Church. Once again Haylestorm led the parade, and the Church Hall housed entertainments and refreshments.

For the 2013 Lantern Celebration we commissioned Holly Summerson and Jasmine Cole to work with the community and create an animation to be projected onto the front of the Old Church in St Day. Funded by Feast, Ideastap, The Community Chest and local businesses, the animation included work by over 100 people from St Day and the surrounding area.
We commissioned local musician Barrie Jarvis to arrange a village song, and recorded the St Day and Carharrack Silver Band, singing by children from the school, and a solo by singer Sally Burley. The finished piece was projected for one night only onto the Old Church using a large projector and was a fantastic spectacle.
Lantern workshops were held and some fantastic lanterns joined Hayley, Haylestorm Samba and the biggest crowds to date, in procession through the streets. Refreshments, music and an archive of project work were available in the Church Hall.

For the second Day-Light Lantern Celebration we took it to the next level. Haylestorm Samba, with Hayley the puppet lantern, were joined by Morris Dancers, Musicians, Choral Singers, Cascade Theatre and a group of fire dancers.
This celebration was bigger in every way, crowds lined the streets as the procession wound its was through the village and the Church Hall and Old Church grounds became venues for performances and refreshments. The lanterns were made by the community at open lantern making workshops.

With the creation of the Day-Light group lantern celebrations became an annual event. In 2011 the event coinsided with Saint Pirans Eve and we created a fantastic display through the streets of the village.
St Piran and Hayley the samba mascot danced through the crowds to the rhythms of Haylestorm Samba, who became a fixture of the event over the following years.

2009 - 2010
This was a year long Feast Funded project, inspired by the stained glass which had fallen from the windows of the derelict old church, and had been collected and saved by the community. Kim Pilgrim tracked down these missing pieces of glass and returned them to the village.
We then started the project with a lantern procession, Clare Summerson and Kim Pilgrim ran community workshops and created "standings" and the project culminated in illuminated window displays throughout the village. The "Standings", canvas structures which were historically used for traders at tea treats and outdoor events in the village, were created as decorative pieces of art.
Through the year the project gained community support, and resulted in the creation of the Day-Light Group.