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Signs and Wonders- Light Spectacular

The Day-Light Group have been inspired by Lumiere London to create an ambitious Son et Lumiere in the area surrounding St. Day and are currently hard a work sourcing funding.

Four locations and 5 elements, each location links with an element, the 5th is represented by a dancer and drummer

Here are two of the amazing culturally significant venues that we have chosen:

The first, Gwennap Pit was caused by mining subsidence in the mid-18th century and was where John Wesley preached between 1762 and 1789. After Wesley's death the local people turned the pit into a regular circular shape with turf seats.

Here we will install an amazing immersive rotating light installation and create an interactive digital projection on the theme of Earth.

The second is Carn Marth has an amphitheatre situated in a quarry, Figgy Dowdy’s well and at the top of the carn you will find a flooded disused quarry and beyond it the granite face is peppered with holes where mining drills were tested before being exported around the world. The view from the top of Carn Marth is stunning.

Here with the carns obvious links to water we will float an illuminated wreath made by surrounding communities and down in the quarry we will have a rock opera written and performed by local band Hantihir. We are very excited about this recent discovery as it has been written about Carn Marth and fits beautifully with our project.

Gwennap Pit
Carn Marth Lake

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